Wednesday 10 June 2020

The New Driver: Artificial Intelligence

Human beings have long feared about the rise of the machines – our own creation becoming smarter and more intelligent than us. But as Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing our world and empowering the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we do not need to be afraid. Right now, it’s almost everywhere — at our workplace, in our homes, cars, in our phones and laptops. Apart from our private lives, AI is influencing multiple business spheres like automotive, healthcare, economy, e-commerce, and entertainment. Over time, AI is going to become more sophisticated and omnipotent. Let us take a look at how AI will change the way we live and work.

AI Examples in the Real World

The impact of AI is not only visible but also tangible. Many major companies offer their own artificial intelligence assistants: Microsoft uses Cortana, Samsung Electronics utilizes Bixby, Amazon has Alexa, Apple offers Siri, and Google has Google assistant, respectively. These AIs can understand human commands and respond accordingly. But, AI in your smartphone will be able to go far beyond. Google Duplex is an upgrade of Google Assistant that can understand context. AI in Google Duplex can make an appointment on your behalf over the phone.

Impact of AI on Society

AI is still far from the futuristic image you might have in your mind — flying cars or AI robots like in Ex Machina that can easily pass for humans. Many believe that AI can be used to discover new drugs. Indeed, AI can become a perfect solution for many R&D centers that are looking for brand new drugs, which is a highly expensive and time-consuming discovery process.

How Can AI Benefit Humans?

Drug discovery can be not the only AI benefit this technology can provide humans with. Another challenge that humanity is facing right now and which can be prevented with the help of AI is the discovery of new and sustainable materials. It is believed that artificial intelligence can speed up the process. Besides, as with drug discovery, artificial intelligence can invent new compounds and properties to create a new type of material.

Impact of AI in Everyday Life

We, as smart human beings, will always derive considerable pleasure out of books, music, TV shows, and movies we like. And without giving it much thought about what lies behind our everyday activities, we use recommendation systems to choose entertainment for our liking. These are just a few uses of AI in daily life. And the chances are — you know these AI-powered examples very well like YouTube recommendation engine, Netflix Match finding in dating apps as Badoo, eHarmony, Hola, Hily, and many others, Photo and video editing apps as Toolook

AI Trend that will Dominate Our Lives

Now you have AI in your pocket, and in other things too. AI has been already implemented into smart home devices like home-security, air condition, and light control systems. When IoT meets artificial intelligence, it’s highly likely to be the dominant trend that will influence our everyday lives.

AI Application in Business

AI is going to be an integral part of almost every business domain. Automotive, marketing, and advertisement, agriculture, healthcare, e-commerce, criminal justice, and many others will definitely benefit from using artificial intelligence.

AI and The Economy

We observe a considerable influence on human lives, society, and numerous business spheres, but it does not begin or end there. AI is also going to alter the economy which will have both positive and negative outcomes. 

So, artificial intelligence is no longer mere science fiction as it has long gone far beyond theories and assumptions.

About the Author

Dr. Mrudula Nimbarte is working as an Associate Professor in the department of CSE at JDCOEM, Nagpur.She has more than 17 years of teaching experience. Her areas of interest are Image Processing, DBMS, TOC and Compilers. Apart from teaching, she is also interested in spirituality.

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