Monday 10 August 2020

Role of Physics in Engineering

If you are interested in building your career in Engineering, then studying physics is obvious. We cannot imagine our life without Physics. The future technology directly or indirectly is related to physicists who have made a huge contribution to the world. 

Engineering is a profession in which scientific knowledge and mathematics is used for innovations, to develop new things that benefit mankind, which is important to society and nature, making everything around us easier.

Engineering is the mindset to think over the use of scientific principles, to design and build machines, structures, and other items. Engineering enables us to think out of the box.

Basic sciences have their own importance in the broad spectra of the engineering education system.  Knowledge of science helps the engineer understand the constraints inherent in a problem and helps the engineer develop possible approaches for a solution. Now let’s throw some light on the role of physics in engineering.

Role of Physics in Engineering

Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, and its main goal is to understand how the universe behaves. Physics generates fundamental knowledge needed for the future technological advances.

Study of physics develops the ability of Problem Solving, Logical Thinking and also the Ability to think intellectually.

Physical concepts, such as Classical mechanics, Thermodynamics and Statistical mechanics, Electromagnetism, Quantum mechanics, Atomic physics, Molecular physics, Optics, Condensed Matter Physics, Nuclear Physics etc., play a vital role in the process of innovation, which is, crucial in the development of engineering branches.

Engineering is basically physics applied to create something more practical. It can be mechanical, electrical, civil, etc., but they’re all basically governed by physics. There’s no way you would solve complex engineering problems without understanding the physics behind it.

In Civil Engineering, the laws of physics can tell you about forces, tension, harmonic vibrations and oscillations, tensile strength, elasticity, and all kinds of other concepts that you can use to make calculations about your designing and construction work .

For every subject of Mechanical Engineering, you need the help of physics in dealing with aircraft, watercraft, engines, robotics, weapons, cars, pneumatics, hydraulics and others by using core areas including mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, materials science, structural analysis, and electricity.

Electrical engineering involves designing electrical circuits including motors, electronic appliances, optical fiber networks, computers, and communication links. Electrical engineers often need to convert electrical energy to other forms of energy, with the understanding of mechanics and thermodynamics. Knowing the fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, in addition to, how small-scale components like integrated circuits and various types of transistor logic, all functions require at least an intermediate understanding of Electromagnetism, which you learn from Physics.

Electronics include the workings of transistors, diodes and semiconductors.  Integrated circuit uses physics to study how various tiny transistors are connected in circuits. Electromagnetism is used for antennae design, RF signals, wireless communications, etc. The field of robotics relies on a lot of things physics such as dynamics, chaos, mechanics, motors, etc. as well as optics (for cameras for computer vision).

Since Electrical engineering leads to Electronics engineering and finally to Computer engineering & Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence, it can be concluded that the mother of all engineering branches is Physics.

An engineer might design the product itself, or just figure out a way to build it. But either way, success is impossible without an understanding of the physics behind each of them.

Thus, it is true that Physics has a significant role in Engineering.

I conclude with a quote from the Missile Man of India, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, “Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. If people remember me as a good teacher that will be the biggest honor for me.”

About Author:

Dr. Mamta Takarkhede is Assistant Professor (Physics), in JD College of Engineering and Management. She has teaching experience of more than 8 years. Her area of interest is Material Physics.

Monday 3 August 2020

Career Options in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

This field involves the transmission of information across channels such as an optical fibre, coaxial cable, or free space. An Electronics and Communication Engineering graduate can work on designing equipments such as routers, multiplexers, switches, electronic switching systems, fibre optics and copper telephone facilities. They develop everyday devices such as transistors and integrated circuits and printed circuit boards (PCBs) too, which can be used in computers, cell phones, MP3 players, and television, to name a few.

 This discipline deals with electronic devices and software interfaces majorly. The applications are far reaching, for e.g. right from the indoors of the house, to industries, we can see the results everywhere. The tasks of the Electronics and Communication engineers are to direct, test, control and produce processes well, so as to ensure safety in installation and functioning of the various mechanisms. This discipline integrates knowledge based on the fundamentals of Communication Engineering, Digital Electronics & Logic design, Power Electronics, Signals & Systems, Electronic Circuits, Integrated Circuits, Applied Electromagnetic theory, Control systems, VLSI, and Computer Architecture.

Career Options in ETC
Source: career NAKA

An Electronics and Communication Engineer can work in Aviation and Avionics, Consumer Electronics, Electricity Plant, Manufacturing, Distribution, Communication and Telecommunication, Computer Application, Radio & Television, Analytical Equipment Manufacturing and Offshore Industries.

Nowadays, Health care equipment manufacturing is in high demand. This is mostly done by an Electronics Engineer.

Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Image Processing, Virtual Reality, Robotics, Embedded System Design, etc have brought about a drastic change in our life, which has enhanced the scope of this branch tremendously.

After graduation, Students can also go for higher studies like the other domains in engineering. The scope for higher education is decently good. Whether it’s M. Tech, MBA, Ph. D. or MS- you’ll definitely find a viable option that works in your favor.

Central Government Jobs after B. Tech in Electronics and Communication

The aspirant can get into central government jobs through the exams carried out by UPSC. Indian Engineering Services exam is a better option for Electronics Engineering Graduates. They can get into different government departments by gaining relevant score in such examinations. Government firms in manufacturing sector are also employers for these professionals. The government sector offers job security along with good salary. The employees are offered DA, TA, pension etc under the same. The main employers of these professionals are

  • Indian Telecom Sector
  • BSNL
  • MTNL
  • Post and Telegraph Department
  • Defense
  • All India Radio
  • Civil Aviation Department
  • National Physical Laboratory
  • Bharat Electronics Limited
  • Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC)
  • Bharat Electricals limited
  • Steel Authority of India Limited
  • Banking Sector
  • Air force etc

 State Government Jobs after B. Tech in Electronics and Communication

The candidate has to qualify state level competitive exams to get into employment offered under the same. Those who pass the preliminary written test have to get through an interview. The exams are carried out by the Government of the respective state. Jobs under state government allow the candidate to work in government department in their native place itself. The salary will be low at the initial stage. It may increase with work experience and when the aspirant gets into senior profiles

Multinational Company Jobs after B. Tech in Electronics and Communication

One of the most important components of the growth of the economy in India is the electronics industry. There is a massive need for products produced by electronics companies. There is an enormous growth in research and development departments seeking to create new and better performing electronic products. Millions of people are employed in electronics companies operating in India. Offering jobs to electronics engineering students is vital for the individual’s success and in turn for the nation’s prosperity.

  • Reliance
  • Cisco
  • Intel
  • Havells India Ltd
  • Bajaj Electronics
  • Midas Communication Technologies
  • Honeywell or Hail (Honeywell Automation India Limited
  • 3M India
  • Centum Electronics
  • Philips Electronics India
  • Bosch in India
  • The Samtel Group
  • Sterlite Technologies
  • Compton Greaves or CG Power and many more…

 Some of the important positions that ECE pass-outs can serve are listed below:

1. Electronics Engineer

With the emerging rise in the electronics industry, new leading firms are springing up to meet the needs of the consumer market. The profile of electronics engineer has a great demand in the market and this has created a lot of opportunities for the ECE aspirants.

2. Electronics and Communication Engineer

ECE students could also pursue in the communications, networking, and broadcast, transmission systems work area. This work is mainly targeted to consolidate electronics, conceptualize the communication network framework, and ensure its flawless execution.

3. Electronics Design & Development Engineer

Electronics design and development is one of the most preferred positions by ECE graduates who want to have dazzling prospects in the electronic designing and development field.

4. Desktop Support Engineer

The profile of Desktop Support Engineer is required in almost every IT and non-IT company. This means there will be no scarcity of job options for ECE graduates in this position.

5. System Control Engineer

System control engineer job includes not only the designing of complicated systems but also testing of it. This is one of the reasons why the candidates for this profile are recruited as technical supervisors, system control managers, etc.


As we have seen Electronics is everywhere, many tasks can be performed using Electronic gadgets. For example, even the bed allotment during this pandemic was monitored electronically. Hence Electronic Engineers have a bright career in this field.

About Author:

Prof. Avinash K. Ikhar, is Assistant Professor in Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, JDCOEM, Nagpur. He has an experience of more than 6 years in Academics and 4 years in industry. His areas of interest include Computer Network & Embedded Systems.

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Role of Ethics in Engineering

Engineers are the strong upholders of the nation. They deal in things that are as important as laying the foundation of a country. An Engineers work/art has a compelling impact on the society, let alone the people, leading them in doing an adept work with utmost commitment to self and to the society. The commitment and adeptness thus demands no carelessness as, many lives depend on their work. To get a clear picture, we can say that a bridge build with low quality raw material, might fall down, endangering thousands of people’s life. This is wherein the deeds of righteousness emerge, the ability to act with lot of diligence and care. Working on ethics is thus an integral part of these deeds and acts. In the words of great Albert Einstein, “I do not believe in immortality, and I consider ethics to be an exclusive human concern with no superhuman authority behind it.” Ethics are based on well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues, where engineers are no less. ‘Engineering ethics’ in this way finds its way up to the ladder of moral consciousness/self-righteousness.

Engineering Ethics

How do the guidelines of Engineering Ethics actually work? We can say that Engineering Ethics are the primary obligation of any engineer to protect the safety, health and the welfare of the people. In a professional scenario, we are placed in a huge threshold of either doing what’s safe for the people or blindly following the orders of the employer. This crossroad situation consequently gives rise to the discussion about 'Engineering Ethics'. According to Martin At El, ‘‘Engineering Ethics relates to the study of the moral issues and decisions confronting individuals and organizations involved in engineering”.  They are underlying in itself the questions about moral conduct, character, policies, relationships and corporations involved in technological activities.

Now, where does need of studying Engineering Ethics originate? Considering that we all are living in an age of highly advanced technology and in this mind boggling and physically tiring race of reaching the vertex of success, we take such decisions that may not only have unintended consequences but are also adversely affecting the society.

Another reason is that while performing our professional duties, there may arise such situations which may lead to conflicts between our Personal and Professional interests. For instance, one is working in a reputed construction company where the material that company uses is of poor quality that could not be used for constructing of dams, then one is in a state of dilemma of ‘what is to be done?’, if the material is overlooked, thousands of lives would be in danger and if voice is raised against it, one may lose his/her job. The example reflects the situation of many people who have conflicts arising between personal and professional interests, and thus answering our question about why do we need to study engineering ethics.

To have much clear perspectives on code of ethics of engineering many Professional societies such as AAES, ABET, NSPE, IEEE, and AICTE have framed certain codes which are extremely handy for them by administering guidelines to be taken care of while executing their professional responsibilities. Some of the Ethics which Engineers have to follow are listed below.

Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall:

  1. Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public.
  2. Perform services only in areas of their competence.
  3. Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
  4. Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
  5. Avoid deceptive acts.
  6. Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession.
These are the code of ethics which are more or less universally followed.

You as an Engineer!

As an engineer you may also have to make many decisions when you have to be clear about what is right and what is wrong, and it is here that the code of Ethics will guide you, you can also design your own code of ethics and follow it to fulfill your Professional responsibilities.

Shared below are the guidelines which will help you in taking the right decisions:-

Test your decisions in the following manner:

  • Is the decision good for all?
  • Does it protect the health of the users or the public in general?
  • Is it harming the environment?
  • Is it energy efficient?
  • Is it in the interest of the nation?
  • Have you taken into consideration all the stakeholders as well as the people who are directly and indirectly affected by it?
  • Is it able to justify prescribed standards and has efficiency?
  • Is it affordable by a common man?

Actually, these codes make one feel really responsible and proud to be a professional, thus motivating towards the commitment one should have towards one’s profession. This self-made code of ethics will provide the necessary moral support and guidelines, which will inspire you to work with great commitment and more effectively serve the public. It can also win you greater powers of self-regulation for the profession itself, while lessening the demand for more government regulation.


About the Author

Dr. Asha Dave is Assistant Professor in Humanities at JDCOEM. She has a rich experience of about 20 years in the teaching arena. She believes in taking up teaching as a Passion and not Profession. She has completed her Post Graduation from Osmania University, Hyderabad, and her Doctorate from RTMNU. 

Thursday 16 July 2020

Internet of Things (IOT): Need of Future

What is IOT?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of various physical devices which are interrelated, connected with each other through internet and are capable enough to collect and transfer data over a wireless network without human interference.

Internet of Things
Source: freeCodeCamp

How IOT works?

IoT devices include sensors, processors and mini-computers which are connected to Internet and execute on the data collected through various wireless sensors with the help of machine learning. Machine learning is a type of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that helps the computer or system to learn, collect data from their environment and provides ability to improve from experience without any prior programming. IOT devices are more susceptible to virus, malware and hacking.       


Architecture of IOT

IoT architecture is the combination of various elements such as sensors, actuators, cloud services, and layers. Internet of Things architecture layers are segregated in order to manage the working analytically. The planning of all constraints is mandatory before IoT architecture working starts. Majorly, IoT architecture consists of:

1. The client side which is comprised of IoT Device Layer

2. Operators on the server side i.e. IoT Gateway Layer

3. A pathway for linking clients and operators i.e. IoT Platform Layer

Main Stages in the IoT Architecture

1. Sensors and actuators

2. Data Acquisition Systems and Internet gateways

3. Edge IT

4. Data centre and cloud.

Stages of IoT architecture

Stage 1: Wireless sensors and Actuators

Sensors have ability to convert acquired information into data which may be further used for analysis. Wireless sensors include embedded systems such as RFID tags, readers and other sensors which are used to collect and transfer information. Actuators have ability to sense physical reality eg. Switching off of the equipments and sensing of temperature.


Stage 2: Data acquisition system & Internet Gateway

Data which is sensed and collected is raw one and also contains unwanted database. Data acquisition is nothing but sampling the physical real time conditions. Data acquisition systems convert analog data into digital values for processing. The Internet gateway receives the data in digitized form and with the help of Wi-Fi, wired LANs, or the Internet systems, transfers it further to process.


Stage 3: The appearance of edge IT systems

Edge IT systems perform improved analytics and pre-processing with the help of machine learning and visualization technologies. Even with this further processing may happen prior to the stage of the data centre. Stage 3 is closely correlated to the previous Stages in the building of architecture of IoT. The position of edge IT systems is close to the sensors and actuators, creating an electric wiring.


Stage 4: Analysis, Management, and Storage of data

The data centres are talented enough to analyze, handle, and store huge amounts of data. It is also much more secure to store it here.


Applications of IoT

  1. Smart Home Applications
  2. Health Care
  3. Smart City
  4. Agriculture
  5. VANET

About Author:

Prof. Ashutosh Lanjewar is working as Assistant Professor in Department of Electronics & Telecommunications, JDCOEM. He is having more than 12 years of teaching experience. His areas of interest include Internet of Things, Adhoc Wireless Network and Digital Signal Processing.

Monday 13 July 2020

Engineering College and Alma Mater Connect

The involvement of alumni in supporting and providing contributions voluntarily to the engineering and management colleges is important for maintaining and expanding the development of a college.

JD College of Engineering and Management has started JD Alumni association. It has opened a new avenue for the growth, development and strong bonding with the institution. Hence, this is a potential for all alumni to contribute to the college in different ways and scale.

Cycle of Success

Role model and inspiration

Alumni are an effective role model and can be easily accepted by students. With the return of the alumni to support Engineering Colleges, they bring with them credibility and justification as part of a successful college. Experiences shared by the alumni with students whether in time management; financial management; development of self-discipline and character, or in career management serve as guidance and inspiration for students.

Career mentor

Competition in entering the workforce is becoming more intensive as a result of a higher number of graduates getting degree from colleges compared with a limited number of job opportunities. In the final year of their studies, students must identify seriously their career prospects. Therefore, alumni can be a reference for the faculty concerned in meeting the needs of students and graduates in obtaining work in selected fields.

Providing expertise

Besides that, the alumni can contribute by providing sharing their expertise in their occupation in developing new study programs at their respective college. Alumni can contribute as a guest lecturer, advisor in committees, industry experts and cooperative partners in projects with the College/university. This will improve the development of their alma mater.                                      

Opportunity to access professional development

When the alumni community is successful and obtains recognition from the corporate world, industry and the wider community. It can potentially create a stronger network as well as trust in the respective college. Also, they will assist younger alumni from the college/university to access opportunities in improving their careers and professionalism.



A good combination of the above-mentioned approach based on your institution’s vision will make your alumni feel part of their alma mater and motivate them to stay connected forever.

Alumni engagement should not be just about class reunions conducted once every year. If it has to be a long-lasting association based on trust and affection then the relationship must extend beyond seasonal events.

Simply spending time and money on engaging alumni through events will not serve any good. Colleges should come out with innovative ideas to bring alumni onboard. For achieving this, colleges are creating a culture of building a support system for its alumni network. This support system will then act as a propellant to fuel organic bond between the alumni and the college that will remain alive always.

About Author:

Ms. Vasundhara Malhotra is currently working as Training and Placement Officer at JD College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur. An Electronics Engineering Post Graduate, she has myriad interests encompassing Training, Placement, technology, gadgets, computers, business and entrepreneurship among others.

Friday 10 July 2020

Learn, Unlearn & Relearn: Lifelong Learning

The Key to Learn is to unlearn stereotypes and relearn innovation.

Psychologically, it is non-viable to withdraw what you've learnt in the past, but in order to learn new things one needs to set the subconscious free and adapt to the new techniques.

In my 30 years of experience, I have seen many people trying to learn something new. But, in due course, they were trying to compare something they knew, to something that's new and failed miserably.

A proficient person is always better than a novice. But, at learning new things, a novice is favoured than the experienced, as learning is all about new start-ups. If you will ask a tennis player to play badminton, he will try to put his own norms rather than substituting his own with the new ones, while a novice will obey.

It's the details which matter the most. People often neglect the details. But, at the end of the day, it is the most important thing and relearning seizes it all. Relearning is the key to success. For rainbow one needs to pass through the dark clouds, same is with relearning. In this case, relearning is the dark cloud which we need to go through to obtain a bright future.

In order to grasp things one needs to learn, but when it comes to remembering things, relearning steps in. If you relearn, you discover something new from what you've learnt.

Today, during the covid crisis, everyone's traumatized due to the great loss of employment, assets and education. But, we need to cope up with the situation and paddle our own canoe. One can only help but it is us who need to practise it.

During the recent pandemic, the education sector has adapted to ‘Online Classes’, which may be sometimes chaotic, sometimes unpractical, yet the only feasible solution available.

Multi learning is introduced. We can learn or practice in more than one field; new articles are introduced regardless of barriers. With ‘Online Education’, we don't have to sit in packed and humid classrooms to learn something new, nor do we have to carry heavy loads daily. Instead, we can learn as per our own convenience that is anywhere, anytime and on any device.

The premium institution, one has been dreaming of, now can actually fly to our homes and in turn, all of this leads to development.

All of this reminds me of a saying that “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”

Learn, Unlearn and Relearn
Source: Reputation Today

About Author:

Prof. Neetu N. Gyanchandani is having 15 years of experience in academics. She is Head, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, JDCOEM, Nagpur. She is associated with elearning since last four years. She is working as Quality Check person for NPTEL translation, SPOC for NPTEL local chapter 804, Nodal Coordinator for Virtual Lab centre No.61. She is BOS, Chairman for Electronics Board at JDCOEM.

Wednesday 8 July 2020

Foundations of Engineering Education

Technology affects the world in which we live and engineering is needed to create technology. The natural role of engineers consists of solving the real-world problems of society, resolving the basic needs by attempting to produce practical tools through the use of laid down scientific theories and laws. Engineers have the unique role of solving social problems through the use of machines, devices, systems, materials, and processes. The engineers’ urge for a better life forced them to dive into real inventions that have eventually changed our world today. They work on many different and diverse specializations, but they all create solutions for different areas of human life. Their works impact the society.

Engineering Education
Source: The Hans India

They use Physics, Chemistry and Maths to perform all processes for purposes of aiding man's life. Computer Engineers deals with design and operations, some Computer Engineers are specialised in the areas like digital system, operating system, computer network, software etc. Chemistry and Physics are the basis of electronic component design. Similarly, all the branches such as Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering also essentially require knowledge of Basic Science. Knowledge in basic science forms the base of Engineering.

Foundations of Basic Science aim to fulfil this function most efficiently. It supports efficiently the Engineering Department by providing quality training to students. In addition to study of basic subjects like Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry; first year in Engineering involves introducing general engineering students to the Profession including problem solving, software tools, professional practice, communication, team work, ethics, the diversity of fields and majors within engineering. First Year Engineering fundamentally enhances students’ knowledge and critical thinking ability to understand the technology and analyze the things in modern society. Efforts to strengthen the foundation of every student are taken care of to make them ready in solving real life problems. First Year Engineering is the foundation of Engineering Education.

Engineering as a stream of study demands the elementary knowledge of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and ignoring these streams can never make a perfect engineer.


About Author

Dr. Amit N Gupta is HOD, First Year B. Tech. in JD College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur, India. He has published several articles in popular daily newspapers & presented several research papers in International and National journals & conferences. He is associated with various professional bodies in India and abroad.